About Us

What is AMA?

Asian Mediation Association (AMA) is a regional organization established in Singapore on 17 August 2007 by major mediation Centers in Asia, aiming to promote application of mediation and alternative dispute resolution and properly resolve business and commercial disputes through close cooperation between its members. Since its establishment, four AMA Conferences have been successfully hosted by Singapore Mediation Centre 2009, Malaysian Mediation Centre 2011 and Hong Kong Mediation Centre 2014 and China 2016 respectively. Together, AMA members provide the infrastructure for conflict management and dispute resolution for disputes in Asia, or with businesses in Asia. This is unique in that it represents an unprecedented grouping of mediation centres in Asia, combining the resources of a diverse blend of Asian cultures.  AMA members provide access to a wide range of dispute resolution and conflict management services across several jurisdictions. Together, AMA members aim to

  • provide access to the best expertise for the management and resolution of business and commercial disputes in Asia;
  • facilitate mediations for cross-border and / or cross-cultural business and commercial disputes;
  • facilitate regional cooperation on mediation and mediation advocacy training; and
  • increase awareness of mediation and other ADR methods, particularly awareness and promotion of “Asian” models and approaches to mediation.

Asian Mediation Association (AMA) is a regional organization established in Singapore on 17 August 2007 by major mediation Centers in Asia, aiming to promote application of mediation and alternative dispute resolution and properly resolve business and commercial disputes through close cooperation between its members. Since its establishment, four AMA Conferences have been successfully hosted by Singapore Mediation Centre 2009, Malaysian Mediation Centre 2011 and Hong Kong Mediation Centre 2014 and China 2016 respectively. Together, AMA members provide the infrastructure for conflict management and dispute resolution for disputes in Asia, or with businesses in Asia. This is unique in that it represents an unprecedented grouping of mediation centres in Asia, combining the resources of a diverse blend of Asian cultures.  AMA members provide access to a wide range of dispute resolution and conflict management services across several jurisdictions. Together, AMA members aim to

  • provide access to the best expertise for the management and resolution of business and commercial disputes in Asia;
  • facilitate mediations for cross-border and / or cross-cultural business and commercial disputes;
  • facilitate regional cooperation on mediation and mediation advocacy training; and
  • increase awareness of mediation and other ADR methods, particularly awareness and promotion of “Asian” models and approaches to mediation.

AMA Charter 18 April 2008

Lorem ipsum dolor sit rot off gamet, cons ctetur adipi scing elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultri Lies aliq luam ekolor.

AMA Charter amendment 31 March 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit rot off gamet, cons ctetur adipi scing elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultri Lies aliq luam ekolor.

AMA Charter 18 April 2008

Lorem ipsum dolor sit rot off gamet, cons ctetur adipi scing elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultri Lies aliq luam ekolor.

AMA Charter amendment 31 March 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit rot off gamet, cons ctetur adipi scing elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultri Lies aliq luam ekolor.

AMA Charter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit orot alom amet, conse tetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum euismod off dolor ultricies aliq luam ekolor tolos alopma.

Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar. In massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium.

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